Word to your Moms: Episode 54 (Obama's First Drone Strikes)

In this final episode of Season 4 we are imbibing a classic, the Sazerac–a drink that some cocktail historians say was the oldest American cocktail. This concoction and other “old-fangled” alcoholic mixtures from 150+ years ago were reborn in the late 2000s, the era of STEPHANIE’s scandal.

🍸 - Episode 54 Sazerac – Beyond Reproach

In this episode STEPHANIE does a deep dive into President Obama’s first drone strikes–the one that happened 72hrs of him being in the Oval Office and how these “smart, tactical counter-terrorism maneuvers” carried out by the CIA hit the wrong ****ing targets right out the gate. We 🥂 to when warring for peace goes wrong, as it always does because that shit don’t make no sense.
Victim of Obama's first drone strike: 'I am the living example of what drones are'
15 FUNsettling facts about drones - Vox 
John Oliver rips into the secret process used to choose drone strikes' victims - Vox 
Strikes in Pakistan Underscore Obama's Options - The New York Times 
The U.S. Has Conducted 550 Drone Strikes in Libya Since 2011 — More Than in Somalia, Yemen, or Pakistan    
US Defense Spending Compared to Other Countries   
Living Under Drones | Stanford Law School  
US senators remove requirement for disclosure over drone strike victims  
Eisenhower Farewell Address (Best Quality) - 'Military Industrial Complex' WARNING  
America's Policing Problem Doesn't Stop at the US Border 
Drone Strikes Reveal Uncomfortable Truth: US Is Often Unsure About Who Will Die  
Trump Inherited the Drone War but Ditched Accountability 
These Are the Civilian Deaths You Don’t Hear About 

ALSO MENTIONED: Let’s go Sazerac, not my cocktail, Trump’s hurt buttocks, warring on a feeling, but was it tho, ROTC, flag twirling, KB Toys, tall men with a beard, the war on data, maritime law, stop and frisk, minority report, Acme nets, fucking around, word to your moms, the “geometry” of a battlefield, Stun, parameters, promises to do right, putting wars on credit, and dying of dysentery. 

Alaska Thunderfuck - STUN [Official] ft. Gia Gunn 

For more info on our episode cocktail the Sazerac:
Classic Sazerac Cocktail Recipe With Rye Whiskey
Classic cocktails make a comeback
History Lesson: The Sazerac - Imbibe Magazine
Sazerac - Wikipedia

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