Woodredith: Episode 28 (Edith Wilson America's First Female President & McCarthyism and The Hollywood Blacklist)

In this episode we drink Washington DC's native cocktail, the Gin Rickey. This classic drink, mentioned by name F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, ties to the era and location of Stephanie's scandalous tale.

In this episode we drink Washington DC’s native cocktail, the Gin Rickey. This classic drink, mentioned by name F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, ties to the era and location of Stephanie’s scandalous tale. 
🍸 - The Gin Rickey

ALSO DISCUSSED: Tux does a swear, Brokey McPoverty, Zales, drip, Cardi B, the Gigli era, being decrepit, a bag of disposable dicks, Spanish flu, Hashtag History Podcast, allied Mean Girls, brain chemistry, being tired and gassy, Teapot Dome scandal, Shared History Podcast, Willy Wonka, and Matthew McConaughey’s “range.”

For more info on our episode cocktail: Gin Rickey
Gin Rickey Cocktail Recipe
The Birth, Death and Rebirth Of The Gin Rickey
Gin Rickey Cocktail Recipe

STEPHANIE shines a light on the end of President Wilson’s political career. We toast to 2 things: to the great American tradition of lying about Presidential health but more importantly to our first female president.
Edith Wilson: The First Lady Who Became an Acting President — Without Being Elected 
Wiki - Woodrow Wilson
Edith Wilson Biography 
Edwin A. Weinstein, 89, Neuropsychiatrist Who Studied President Wilson
President Woodrow Wilson collapses in Pueblo, Colo., Sept. 25, 1919 
Edith Wilson and the Treaty of Versailles
Wiki - Spanish flu
Woodrow Wilson - Strokes and Denial
The long history of hiding US presidential illnesses
When a secret president ran the country
Woodrow Wilson marries Edith Bolling Galt - HISTORY
Woodrow Wilson’s Case of the Flu, and How Pandemics Change History
The League of Nations, 1920.
Pan-American Initiatives: The Wilson Presidency and "Regional Integration," 1914–17
Love and Guilt: Woodrow Wilson and Mary Hulbert 
Woodrow Wilson's Illness Left America without a President for 17 Months
The Twenty-Fifth Amendment Makes Presidential Disability a Political Question 

TUX dives into the effects of McCarthyism on Hollywood. We raise our glasses to smear campaigns and to the knowledge that, in politics, fear and misinformation are much more powerful tools than facts or evidence.
Hollywood blacklist | History, Effect on Society, & Facts
The Accident of McCarthyism
HUAC - Definition, Hearings & Investigations - HISTORY
Five myths about McCarthyism
The Hollywood Ten: The Men Who Refused to Name Names
Wiki - Hollywood blacklist
Wiki - McCarthyism
How Kirk Douglas helped break the Hollywood blacklist
The Hollywood 10
How Kirk Douglas Overstated His Role in Breaking the Hollywood Blacklist
Hollywood blacklisted my father Dalton Trumbo: now I’m proud they’ve put him on screen
Trumbo (Netflix)
Screenwriter’s blacklisting, shown in ‘Trumbo,’ still scars his daughter

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